What it all Boils Down To
Writing about believing beautiful definitely uncovered and pressed into some tender parts of my heart. I know that unraveling this more, really believing beautiful, and living according to that is just beginning.
But my one main takeaway through writing this series boils down to one big idea:
Simply put: believing beautiful is living a life of gratefulness.
It's saying:
Thank you Jesus for a body that moves, and works, and was created and knit together by you.
Thank you Jesus for giving me a home that is warm, and full of love, and a place of comfort for my family and others.
Thank you Jesus for the way you created every part of me--for my stengths and weaknesses and personality.
Thank you Jesus for my day-in and day-out story. Thank you that I have this day to love, to live, and to bless others.
Thank you Jesus.
For me, believing beautiful isn't about just feeling good about myself and my life. It's about recognizing that I'm part of a bigger purpose and a beautiful story--and being absolutely thankful for that.
So, I want to leave you with this:
If you struggle with believing beautiful about your life, identity, body, or home, take a moment to be thankful for what you have.
I know that it doesn't usually change your circumstances, but it most definitely changes your perspective.
So, in honor of finishing up this series (just about...tomorrow is the last day!), I want to say thank you to all of you who have stayed with me :)
I also decided to do a little flash sale with the black + white Thanksgiving prints (poster-sized and 8x10's). You can get this, this, this, or this print for just $1 through Halloween (just two days!)

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