And there it is.

(We had breakfast at a Kerbey Lane Cafe in Austin after Luke's doctor appointment. And after we finished our meal, the waitress told us it was on the house. It was just one of those moments when you needed encouragement in a crazy time, and God provides for you in a little, but significant way!)

Josh graduated on December 13th--just shy of 2 months ago. Since then, we whittled away at little dreams and hopes we had for our future. In those months, there were many moments of breathing in faith and breathing out prayer--believing that God held our family's future safely in His hands.

But. Like I wrote in this post, the waiting isn't easy. And neither is watching your bank account shrink, knowing that if a job for Josh didn't come soon, then we would be in serious trouble. I went back to work, but my job alone wasn't enough to pay all the bills.

Josh continued to apply to jobs, and we continued to pray and hope. Finally, an interview at a local company. And, then, another interview all the way in Iowa.

Just in time. Just when worry was becoming too common and discouragement was so near.

There are a lot of details, but in short, Josh took the local job. It's not his dream job or even in his specific engineering field. But, it is provision, and the job will still give him engineering experience. We are so thankful!

But, there was definitely a little processing going on over here when we decided that we would stay. It's not that we hate where we live or can't stand being here, but it's literally the last place we thought we'd be since there are really no jobs in aerospace here.

We thought we'd land in Colorado, or Seattle, or somewhere in the east coast. And, more than likely, we still will after Josh gets some experience under his belt and takes a job in his field.

For me, I was so excited for the fresh start and seeing where we'd be. I had so many expectations that have built up for nearly four years. So, when I realized that we'd be here for another year plus, there was a part of me that just felt stuck. Like you've seen the world in front of you through an open door, and then it just slams shut.

I can't say that this what what we were hoping for. But I know that believing that life would be better if x, y, z, is a lie. A lie that could eat up good things that God has for us here.

So, after a bit of time to process and pray and thank God for this job, I now feel ready to settle in and get ready for the purpose that God has for this season. I don't know what it holds, but I don't want to miss it because I'm wishing for other things. Do you find that it's easy to do that? Miss what's in front of you because you're so focused on the thing you want more?

So, there it is.


  1. I've done a lot of moving so I know that feeling of having one foot out the door. I've also ended up staying after plans to can do a number on your heart! Glad the time of waiting on a job is over, and hoping you guys settle in for the next few years with ease. When your time there is up, might I suggest looking at Asheville, NC? =)

  2. yay for the job!! it seems that it's always a surprise with God- never what or where we imagined but somehow better than what we would have ever imagined in hindsight.

  3. What a blessing that he was able to find a job. When my husband finished his Master's (Structural Engineering). I was just a few months from giving birth to my first son- what an emotional/stressful time that was. He wasn't able to find a job, so he started working for my parents- driving 45 minutes each way to get to my home town- where my parent's farm is. Once my son was born and I stopped working we knew we wouldn't be able to afford to pay for the place we were in. We ended up moving back to my home town (not something I ever wanted to do) and were able to live in my grandmother's place as she had just moved into a retirement home in town. I know that at each turn God was providing for us but it was SO hard to accept the path that we were on. It was so different from how I had imagined it all to happen. I thought we'd only be here for a few months while my husband searched for a job but 4 years later- here we are... and we are so happy and it has been such a blessing. God knows where we need to be.


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