Dear Luke,

Right now, I can hear you snoring away in your room--sleeping cozily on your new big boy bed. You were so pumped when we brought in your new bed, but then, you got nervous about actually sleeping on it (well, nervous is a nice way of putting it!) You are wanting some extra cuddles (especially at night) and have wandered into mommy and daddy's room a few times, but otherwise, I think you are getting used to your new bed.

In just a few weeks (as long as he keeps cooking), baby brother will be here. We talk a lot about him, but I am still not certain that you know how much having a little brother will change life for you. You love to give my belly kisses and hear baby's heartbeat when I go to the doctor. Even though I'm so excited for your brother to come, I am also trying to enjoy lots of special moments with just you.

It's almost Christmas and we've been having lots of fun doing Christmas crafts and holiday activites, haven't we? You have made a Christmas chain, decorated your very own felt tree, and even made Christmas cards for your family. You helped me put bows on all the newly wrapped presents and love to see all the twinkly lights at night. You also got to walk through Bethlehem and see baby Jesus--although you were definitely more into eating the "birthday cake" than seeing the baby. My favorite is that you say "Santer" instead of "Santa"-- I don't bother correcting you because it's so adorable. I'm not sure that you have a clue who Santa is, though, since you always look a little confused if people ask what Santa is bringing you ;)

Lately, life has felt so precious with you--maybe it's that it's Christmas-time or maybe it's because I know that our time with just the two of us is ending soon. I teared up a little when I put you in your crib for the last time--thinking back about how many times I've laid you down to sleep in that very spot.

I soak in the kisses and hugs I get before bed and the cuddles you ask for if you hurt yourself. Remember that time you hurt your big toe? I think you wanted to cuddle every five minutes--you said, "Mommy, cuddle (with big, hopeful eyes)? My toe hurts."

I want to remember all the little nuances of these days with you, kiddo. Do you know how much I love to find your toys all lined up in random places or spoons in your dumb truck? Or how your hair sticks up all over in the morning? Or how you like to have "coffee" with mom and dad in the morning (even though it's just milk with a drop of coffee)? And even on the days when you're so stubborn, persistent, and challenging--I love seeing your tenacity and strong-will (yes, even when it drives me nuttso). As your momma, I don't want to erase those parts of you--I want to teach you how to use them in the very best way.

Also, do you know how much joy and fun you bring to me and your daddy? How often we find ourselves giggling with you or watching your creativity come out in play? Now that you are talking so much more--we love to chat with you and learn all about trucks, diggers, animals, toys, grandmas, papas, and snacks. You get so excited about the littlest things--and it's absolute dream as your mom to watch you experience so much of life for the very first time.

Luke, what I want you to know most is how very much I love you.

And how often each day I thank Jesus for letting you be my son--you are such a gift.



  1. Love this post! The close of life with one child is so sweet and so sad. But soo exciting! I love all these pictures and your thoughts about Luke!! Just think in a year you'll be spending Christmas with two sweet boys!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours! <3

    PS Z watched a Max&Ruby recently where Santa was in it and she was like Santa, Santa...but she also has NO IDEA who he is! :)


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