Why Walking and Podcasts are my Jam
If you've read my blog for any amount of time, you may have figured out that I am not a huge fan of exercise.
Goodness, I want to be. But I just am not.
But! I am huge fan of all the perks of exercise: rejuvenation, maybe losing some inches, feeling more energetic, getting stronger...etc.
These are my no-go exercises: the elliptical (too boring!), running (I don't like feeling like I'm literally going to fall to pieces on the street and then throw up), the treadmill, intense cardio, or really anything that makes my legs feel like jello and my head feel buzzy.
Whenever I've tried including those exercises into my routine, I usually last about five days before giving up. They just aren't my thing (at least right now!)
Here are my go-to exercise: pilates (firm up and feel the burn without feeling like your heart will explode), yoga (sometimes), zumba (dancing + cardio = at least I'm having fun while I feel all wobbly and sweaty!), barre (pretty new to it, but I like it!), and walking.
During these season, walking + pilates are the dailies.
Pilates are great afternoon-slump buster workouts because I usually just grab a five-to-ten minute online video (I love Robin Long's series!) or just do some moves while I play with Luke. I find that just a few minutes of pilates helps me feel a little more energized but not all worn out and sweaty.
Especially since walking is something I can do with Luke, I like to try and get in a solid, face-paced, 20-25 minute walk in when it's nice. We especially love to walk to the park or the post office to deliver happy mail from the shop.
Honestly, it took me a while to really get into a rhythm with walking because it often feels a little monotonous or slow--especially when you live in a neighborhood that is a giant circle.
But, then, I started to listen to podcasts while we are on our walks--and it flipped a switch. Now I look forward to my walks because I listen to some wonderful podcasts that not only are fun, but often so encouraging and full of great tips, ideas, thoughts, and conversation.
Have you tried listening to Podcasts? If not, here are some podcasts that I've been loving lately:
The Influence Network podcast
Around the Table podcast
Serial (which was so good!)
Brilliant Business Moms podcast
The Happy Hour podcast
I just subscribe to my favorites on my podcast app, so they are also easy to access and listen to. I've also found that podcasts make cleaning, dishes, and putting away laundry a little less boring :)
Do you listen to podcasts? If so, I'd love to know your favorites!
ps. there are a few more prints that will be heading into retirement soon. Right now, they are just $1 until they pack up their bag and leave the shop forever :)

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