March Goals
Here we go again! Every month, I feel like it's a little like January--a fresh start and new little things to work at and work towards. I've always loved March (it's my birthday month!), so I'm definitely excited to get this month going.
First, let's look at last month's goals and see how they went!
Do the #28daysofpilates challenge with Robin Long. I did it! And I can hardly believe it!! Guess what? My abs really do exist post-baby! I did miss two days due to a stomach bug, but I made up those days so I think that counts, right? Believe me, if I can do it, you can too! You can find the whole series on youtube if you want to try it out--it's totally manageable and I plan on revisiting the videos. Or, Robin also offers a comprehensive 6 week program that is launching on March 16th--(Click here to visit The Balanced Life and see what it's all about!)
Clean my refrigerator. I didn't do this. But I do plan on conquering it this weekend. Oh well.
Submit my children's poem to a children's book publishing company. Done and done. Still haven't heard a peep back, but I'm glad I did it!
Plan some sweet Valentine's Day activities. So I got hit with the stomach bug the day before Valentine's day (the day I had planned to work on those activities). And I wasn't quite 100% on Valentine's day either. We still had a fun day/weekend with one another without the gooey pink cinnamon rolls :)
So, on to March's goals. Folks, I'm pumped about these!
Weather permitting, take a walk everyday. I want to continue to move everyday and this is part of that goal. Especially now that we are in this little window of nice weather in Texas, I want to soak it up. If it's yucky outside, I still want to get moving (maybe a dance party with Luke, some Pilates, yoga, just something!)
Make my bed everyday, preferably in the morning. I think I make my bed once a month (okay, maybe twice), and I want to change that. Our room always feels instantly tidier when the bed is made. Plus, it just feels better to slip into a bed that is made at the end of the day :)
Start doing more marketing for Nicole Joelle Print Shop. This month is all about momentum. I'm not a huge fan of promoting or marketing (it just always feels awkward and not-me), but it's part of running a little business. I have some ideas (simple + easy ones) for getting others involved and spreading the word. If I want to have this little shop help me pay for my trip to Influence, than I have to be willing to get out of my comfort zone and tell people about it! So, on Monday, I'll be sharing some ways that you can join me in this :)
Celebrate my golden birthday (29 on the 29th) in style. We already have some plans for mini-getaway (with Luke too!), but I am also planning on hosting a BIG giveaway during my birthday week. If you have a shop/blog and are interested in being a part of it, let me know!
Buy a pair of crops/jeans that fit fantastically. My body is definitely different post-baby, so none of my pants fit quite right. I've got a gift card to use, so I plan on choosing a pair based on fit/quality rather than price (which is my usual focus).

Yay for Golden Birthdays! I finally, finally got to celebrate mine a few years ago (on the 26th of July). So fun! I couldn't wait, since my brothers got to celebrate theirs at 3 and 4 years old. My goal recently has been to make the bed every day, too. I love it! So simple and quick, and what a difference it makes!
ReplyDeleteI love that you not only know what a golden birthday is.. but that you are going to celebrate it big! When I was planning my golden birthday this past November, no one knew what that was! I was shocked!! It will be so great! Can't wait to hear/read all about it :)
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday month! I'm going to check out that pilate program, I need something to get me moving and this looks good. =)
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, making the bed does make the day so much nicer, I'll often make it mid-day just so it looks peaceful for later. =)
Good luck on the jeans!
Making your bed every day yes, I love it. It has become a habit finally in our home even for our 4 year old.
ReplyDeleteYes! The days I don't make the bed are/were such downers! I say were because we just moved and our bed is now a sleeper sofa in Brooklyn. Which, well, that's just awkward to have you bed folded out in the middle of the living room, even if you aren't expecting company! Pretty good motivation there =)
ReplyDeleteComing over from the link-up! I just discovered the 28 days of Pilates program, so I think I am going to do it in March ;)
ReplyDeleteAwesome about submitting your poem. I always feel so vulnerable when I submit my writing somewhere, but I'm always glad I did.
Happy Birthday Month!
March is definitely the best month for a birthday!!
ReplyDeleteIf you're interested in having your work featured, one of my goals for March is to finish filling up my walls, and I love prints. My email is nadine at nadinewouldsay dot com. I agree, promotion is always so awkward, but I'd be happy to share your stuff! :)
Oh yes! I am so excited about being outside!
ReplyDeleteI love the goal to make your bed every day! It is crazy how it can really change a day!
ReplyDeleteGood work with the pilates each day! I've been slacking on making my bed lately. I feel so much better about walking into our room when it's made :-/