Can I Bribe You?

There are a lot of days that I sit here and write. And I wonder about all of you--who are my readers, who am I writing to, what do they really like?

I know who many of you are, but I know there are other people that I don't know :)

So, I decided to create a little survey and find out more about you. It's painless and 90% multiple choice. If you fill out this quick survey and then let me know in the Rafflecopter, you'll have the chance to win one of two $10 gift cards to Starbucks.

In addition, as part of my eBook project, I have a few (just five!) other questions for you. If you fill that survey out, you can let me know in the Rafflecopter and increase your chances of winning!

Let me know you've filled them out in the Rafflecopter below! Thank you guys to much :) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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