Snip, Snip {31 Days}

Last week, I got my haircut. You might even call it a mom cut.

Before Luke was born, I had lots of ideas about what I wanted to look like as a mom. One of those things was having pretty, long hair. I've usually kept my hair short, but I thought that it would be fun to grow it out.

ps. I've "thought it would be fun to grow out" about twenty times and each time it ends with short hair.

Here's the thing.

My hair didn't look half-bad when I did it. When I took the twenty minutes it took to really make it look nice. Blow-dry. Curl. Smother it with product. My hair is not the let-it-dry-naturally-and-then-style-it type; it's the it-will-look-weird-and-wavy-in-strange-places-unless-you-do-it hair.

(here's what my hair looked like last Tuesday...when I actually did it!)

So, that said, the other day, I just got annoyed and decided to give up yet again on the long hair dream.

It always happens. Eventually, I just give in to being a short-haired gal and, since becoming a mom, have to let go of the idea of being that cool, long-haired, stylish mom who didn't give in to the mom-cut...

But, really, that's just a silly idea I gave myself. Having short hair doesn't mean that I've given up. Or that long-haired moms are more hip than short-haired ones.

That's simply not true.

Now, my hair is whipped into shape in no time, and I'm not spending too much time sweet talking it into submission. It's a little shorter than I wanted to go, but hair grows.

(and by Friday, it looked like this...)

I'm letting go of those silly ideas that long-hair would give me something that I don't already have (more beauty, more womanhood...etc) and hold on to what I actually like--a simple + cute haircut.

Have you ever thought "If I only had... or "If I only could..." life would be better? Do you think those ideas are life-giving or do they discourage you?

{see all the posts from 31 Days of Letting Go and Holding On}

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