Sweet Simplicity: Love Notes
Often, we make romance complicated.
Okay, at least, I often make it more complicated and feel like it has to be fancy.
But, I'm learning to be better at romancing my hubby in little and simple ways--finding meaningful ways to show him that I love him.
Especially with a huge, life transition before us, I know that there won't be too much room for steamy romance among dirty diapers, sleepless nights, and baby bombardment. Goodness knows I won't be sprinkling the house with rose petals or buying a something-something ;) for a while at least.
But, that doesn't mean that romance gets to be excused from our marriage. Even after 4 years of marriage, romance looks a lot differently than it did when we first got hitched.
It's cooking his favorite dish after a busy week of school. It's picking up ice cream (a rare treat in our house) before Downton Abbey (thanks, hon!), it's writing cheesy text messages and e-mails...
I encourage you to find simple ways to romance your significant other/spouse. Even if you're single, you can still find ways to bless others and show them how much you love them!
For me, sticky notes are a fun way to scatter a little romance around the house--to show Josh that I'm thinking about him and love him :) Plus, I think it's fun to think of clever sayings or locations around the house!
Here's some examples:
{If you guys didn't realize I was cheesy before, well, you know now!}
What simple ways to you show someone you love them?
I'm excited to see what you'll share this week!
Okay, at least, I often make it more complicated and feel like it has to be fancy.
But, I'm learning to be better at romancing my hubby in little and simple ways--finding meaningful ways to show him that I love him.
Especially with a huge, life transition before us, I know that there won't be too much room for steamy romance among dirty diapers, sleepless nights, and baby bombardment. Goodness knows I won't be sprinkling the house with rose petals or buying a something-something ;) for a while at least.
But, that doesn't mean that romance gets to be excused from our marriage. Even after 4 years of marriage, romance looks a lot differently than it did when we first got hitched.
It's cooking his favorite dish after a busy week of school. It's picking up ice cream (a rare treat in our house) before Downton Abbey (thanks, hon!), it's writing cheesy text messages and e-mails...
I encourage you to find simple ways to romance your significant other/spouse. Even if you're single, you can still find ways to bless others and show them how much you love them!
For me, sticky notes are a fun way to scatter a little romance around the house--to show Josh that I'm thinking about him and love him :) Plus, I think it's fun to think of clever sayings or locations around the house!
Here's some examples:
{If you guys didn't realize I was cheesy before, well, you know now!}
What simple ways to you show someone you love them?
I'm excited to see what you'll share this week!
Don't forget to use the #savorthesimple hashtag in Instagram and Twitter to share your inspiration + simplicity
Here are some little guidelines for the link-up:
1. I'd love for you to share that you're linking up with me today. You can grab the little button down there or just include a link.
2. Please only link projects/ideas/inspirational posts that have the theme of simplicity. In other words: no Julia Child recipes please :)

Those are so so sweet! I think the little things are what spread the love the most. I can't wait to find my man and make sticky notes like that of my own :)