Capture the Year: Week 27

This week was a good week. Caramel popcorn. Holiday time off. Getting the house put together. Garage sales with Josh. Making yummy summer treats....such lovely things!

This week I...

-- made caramel popcorn (our firework watching treat!)
-- wrote a long to-do
-- read in bed
-- shot photos for Home for Hire {the shop}
-- made fruit pops. So good. 
-- edited, listed, and got the shop up and running (while drinking lots of tea!)
-- captured our naked/shaved pup taking over one of our many piles in the house
-- tried to clean a rug I got at a garage sale for 20 bucks. It's wool, and it was pretty dirty. Let's just say that cleaning this rug may have been the most frustrating, gross, annoying, and "why-did-I-do-this?" task I've done in a long time. Well, other than moving boxes in 100 degree heat... I just hope it dries out well :) We'll see!

How was your week?

ps. Did you hear I came out of the dark ages and use Twitter now? Find me @homeforhireblog :)


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