Shop Talk and a Spring Sale!

Good morning!

I wanted to talk shop with you guys. If you've visited Home for Hire {the shop} lately, you might have noticed that my supply is starting to get a little low. Right now, I've only got about 20ish items for sale.

Here's why:

1. Since we are moving soon, I want to avoid moving and packing all my products. Simply practical!
2. I want to work on some new ideas/products this summer along with weeding out what isn't selling well. I hope to have some extra time this summer to work on this process.

I'm still not sure about where we will be this summer, but I still hope to be open to sell a few of my products that are easy to move and replicate wherever I am.

In May, we will be traveling, moving, packing, and doing lots of cleaning. I hope to have the shop open for at least a couple of weeks in May, but that's still up in the air :) I won't have a family of the month in May because I'm not sure how much I will be open. Whenever the shop is back and running like normal, you'll see another family spotlighted then :)

Anyway, I wanted to offer all of you a coupon code for a 20% discount until May 1st.

Here are some of the items that are currently for sale:

Enjoy! Have happy, happy Monday :)


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