Capture the Year: Week 16

This week I...
Captured Mac in his favorite spot, went to Aggie Muster at Texas A&M, received some fun alphabet stamps for my birthday, took a self-portrait while waiting for Josh, colored with the little lady I babysit, went to the grocery store, and made some homemade pita bread!

We've had some movement in the summer plans and we should have some definitive plans in the next day or so! I feel much less overwhelmed than I did last week. By Thursday afternoon, I had just had one of those days--I had a custom order that needed to be sent out on Friday, but the supplies I needed were lost in the mail (or, um, accidentally placed in our neighbor's mailbox). We were waiting to hear about a house that we had applied to rent and decisions about this summer were looming closer and closer.

I picked up Josh and vented about the missing supplies, the lack of news about internships, my long day at work, and how I hadn't heard back from the realtor (even though he was supposed to get in contact with us the day before).

Then, Josh said, "Well, I got an interview." After no news for months, finally there was some good news! We still don't know if he will be offered the job, but we are simply thankful for any direction at this point :)

Within an hour, we had heard from the realtor that we were approved to rent the house (we are so excited about moving to this cute, little place!), the mailman found my package in a neighbor's mailbox, and Josh had a good interview.

It's funny how sometime God just sweeps in and reminds you that He's got you. Even though all those things were petty, He met every little need :)

How was your week? Anything new happening with you guys?


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